Getting it right : No progressive form

Verbs not used in a progressing form (-ing) are usually related to mental states or the senses.

• Remember, know, believe, understand, forget,

• Like, prefer, need, want

• Agree, mean, seem

Also with no progressive form :

• Contain, belong, concern

• Consist, involve, depend (It depends on …)

Sometimes both tenses are possible with different meanings

– He has a new car (possess) v He’s having lunch (eating)

– I think he’s right (opinion) v I’m thinking of/about changing my job (I’m undecided)

– I (can) see your point. v I’m seeing (ie meeting) the director tomorrow.

• Note: if no progressive tense in the present, there is none in the present perfect.

(e.g. I’ve known him for a long time, not « I’ve been knowing him »)

en_GBEnglish (UK)