- catch
- crack
- a reading
- reminder
- shift
- AC
- accurate
- actual
- actuate
- actuator
- add
- adjust
- adjustment
- aft
- aileron
- aim
- air inclusion
- air inlet
- airframe
- Airworthiness
- aisle
- allow
- alloy
- apply
- area
- armrest
- as required
- ask for
- assembly
- assessment
- attach
- avoid
- back up
- backrest
- badly applied
- beam
- bearing
- begin
- behaviour
- belly fairing
- bench
- bend
- bent
- blade
- blank off
- blanking cap
- blanking plug
- bleed
- bleed air system
- bleed valve
- blend out
- block
- bogie
- bolt
- bond
- bonding
- bonding lead
- bore
- borescope
- box
- bracket
- brake
- brakes
- breaker
- brightness
- bring
- broken
- buckle
- bulk
- bulk cargo compartment
- bulkhead
- bundle
- bus
- bush
- cable
- cancel
- cap
- cargo door
- cargo hold/compartment
- carry out
- casing
- caution
- ceiling
- centre pedestal
- chafing
- check
- check valve
- chip
- chipped
- chock
- choose
- circuit breaker
- clamp
- clean
- clear
- clearance
- clog
- close
- closure (of an NC)
- cloth
- coat
- coat
- collar
- come on
- complaint
- comply with
- component
- compulsory
- concession
- conduit
- connector
- contaminated
- content
- control lever
- control surface
- control
- cool
- countersink
- countersunk rivet
- coupling caps
- cover / covering
- cowl
- crimp
- crimp
- cross check
- cross reference
- crossfeed valve
- cruise
- cure
- cut
- cut off
- dado panel
- damaged
- damper
- data
- data bus (busbar)
- de-energize
- de-icing
- deactivate
- deal with
- debond
- debur
- decrease
- defect
- defective
- deflated
- deformed
- degreasing
- delay
- delete
- deliver
- delivery
- dent
- depressurize
- depth
- depth gauge
- design office (do)
- device
- diagram
- dipstick
- dirty
- disassemble
- disbond
- discard
- discoloring
- disconnect
- discrepancy
- display
- dispose of
- dispose of
- divide
- leak check
- doubler
- draft
- drain
- drain mast
- drain plug
- drainage
- drawing
- drawing
- drill
- drill bit
- drilling
- drive
- drive shaft
- drop
- duct
- duct
- dust
- ease
- edge
- elevator
- embody
- emergency
- empennage
- empty
- enable
- energize
- energize
- engaged
- engine
- engine feed line
- engine pylon
- Engineering
- ensure
- erase
- escape slide
- even
- exhaust
- expand
- expect
- extend
- extends
- extinguisher
- extract
- fabric
- facilities
- failure
- fairing
- fall
- fan
- fan
- fasten
- fastener
- faulty
- faying
- feature
- features
- feed
- field service
- figure
- fill
- fill up
- fin
- find
- finish
- fit
- fitting
- fittings
- fix
- flap
- flap track
- flash
- flaw
- flight
- flight crew
- flight deck
- floor
- flow
- flow
- flow chart
- flush
- flush (not flush)
- fly
- fly
- fold
- follow
- follow-up
- forecast
- forward (FWD)
- frame
- framework
- freeze
- freight hold
- fretting
- friction
- front
- fuel tank
- fulfil
- furnishings
- fuse
- fuselage
- gage
- galley
- gap
- gaps
- gasket
- get
- glareshield
- gloves
- glue
- go off
- goggles
- grease
- grinder
- grommet
- ground
- guard
- hammer
- handle
- handling
- handover
- happen
- hardware
- harness
- hazard
- headset
- heat
- heavy
- hinge
- hinge
- hit
- hold
- honeycomb
- hose
- housing
- housing
- hub
- hurt
- idle
- ignition
- illuminate
- improper
- improve
- incompatibility
- increase
- indicator
- inflate
- ingress
- inhibit
- initiate
- ink
- inoperative
- input
- inspector
- install
- instrument flight
- insufficient
- insulate
- insulation
- insulation blanket
- inverted
- involve
- issue
- jack
- jammed
- jig
- joint
- keep
- label
- lag
- landing gear
- last
- latch
- latch
- lavatory
- lay
- lay-out
- layer
- layer
- lead
- lead time
- leading edge
- leak
- leave
- length
- lengthen
- let
- level
- lever
- lift
- lift dumpers
- lighting
- link
- load
- locate
- lock
- loom
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- loudspeaker
- lower
- lubricate
- lug
- machining
- made of
- made up of
- main landing gear
- maintain
- maintenance
- make sure
- manifold
- manipulate
- manual
- manufacturer
- mapping
- masking tape
- match
- measure
- meet
- mis-match
- missing
- mix
- mlg bay
- MLG bay
- mod effectivity
- modify
- moisten
- moisture
- monitor
- mount
- move
- need
- network
- nick
- nitrogen
- noise
- non-return valve
- nose gear
- not applicable
- not in conformity
- notice
- notification
- nut
- o-ring
- obey
- obtain
- occur
- off-centre
- offset
- open
- open items
- order
- out of order
- out of tolerance
- outstanding work
- outstanding work
- overflow
- overload
- overpressure
- oversight
- pack (aircon)
- packs
- panel
- part
- peel
- peel off
- perform
- permit
- piece
- pin
- pipe
- placard
- place
- plan
- planning
- play
- pliers
- plug
- plug in
- pneumatic
- pop up
- position
- postpone
- potable
- pour
- power
- press
- pressure gage
- pressurise
- prevent
- primer
- prior to
- process
- proposal
- protect
- protrude
- protruding
- provide
- pull
- pump
- purchase
- purpose
- push
- put
- Put
- put back
- put on
- put right
- pylon
- quality
- rack
- raise
- ram air
- ram pressure
- rate
- reach
- reading
- ream
- rear
- recess
- recline
- record
- a record
- reduce
- refill
- refuel
- regulate
- relay
- release
- reliable
- remain
- removable
- removal
- remove
- repaint
- repair
- replace
- replacement
- replenish
- reply
- report
- request
- require
- requirement
- reset
- residue
- resolve
- respect
- restore
- resume
- retain
- retract
- rework
- rib
- rigging
- rinse
- rise
- rivet
- root
- rotate
- rough
- route
- routing
- row
- rub
- rudder
- running
- rust
- rust-proofing
- safety
- satisfy
- schedule
- scissors
- scored
- scrap
- scraper
- scratch
- scratched
- screen
- screw
- screwdriver
- scrub
- seal
- seal (n)
- sealant
- seat pan
- secure
- see
- select
- sense line
- sensor
- service
- servicing
- servo-control unit
- set
- set off
- set up
- setting
- shaft
- shape
- shear
- sheet
- shielding
- shim
- shock absorber
- short
- shorten
- show
- shrink
- shut
- shut down
- shut off
- sight glass
- simplify
- sink
- situational awareness
- size
- sketch
- skill
- skin
- slack
- slacken
- slat
- sleeve
- slide
- smooth
- smooth out
- soak
- socket
- solder
- soldering iron
- solve
- spacer
- spanner
- spar
- spare part
- specify
- spill
- spill
- spirit level
- splice
- split
- spoiler
- spray
- spread
- spring
- stained
- stamp
- start
- state
- steel
- steering
- step
- stick
- sticky
- stiff
- stiffener
- store
- stow
- stowage bins
- straighten
- strap
- stringer
- strip
- stripe
- structure
- strut
- summary
- sump
- supply
- surge tank
- swage
- swap
- swarf
- switch
- tag
- tail cone
- tailplane
- take away
- take into account
- take measurements
- take measures
- tank
- tape
- tear
- test
- thread
- throw away
- thrust
- tighten
- tire
- tire, tyre
- charge
- load
- tool
- tooling
- tooltip
- torque
- torque wrench
- touch
- tow
- track
- trailing edge
- translate
- transmit
- trigger
- trim
- trim tank
- troubleshooting
- try
- turn
- turn off / on
- twist
- twisted
- ty-wrap
- undercoat
- union
- unlock
- unscrew
- unserviceable
- update
- upholstery
- used
- utilize
- vacuuming
- value
- valve
- varnish
- vent hole
- vice
- voltage
- vtp
- warning
- wash
- washer
- waste tank
- watertight
- weigh
- weld
- wheel
- width
- wind
- window
- windshield
- wing
- wing tip
- wingtip
- wipe
- wire
- wiring
- withdraw
- withstand
- Work Order
- workshop
- worn
- wrong
- yaw